artist application
For all Neighborhood Cult applications, please include the following information in an organized and downloadable format.
Artist Bio/Statement
1-5 pieces of original work for the event OR a brief description of the WIP(s). Please ensure that your portfolio suffices enough prior to submitting applications, if you are only providing descriptions.
1-3 professional references
In lieu of artist application fees, please choose your own donation to fund the show via PayPal ( or Venmo @Sarah-Moore-75. This is not mandatory in any form. We encourage artists to feel more in control of their art expenses when participating in shows.
For your application, compile all materials and send it to: If you choose to donate, the e-mail is the same for PayPal. Thank you for your interest.
If there are no open calls, we will still process and accept applications to be featured in our Neighborhood Gallery on-site and the online gallery. Contract terms still apply.
Generic Timeline
Open Call
Artist Announcement
Progress Report
Final Submission
Transfer to Online Gallery